Galaxy Note - Samsung features Mt Everest Nepal in its Ad!

Sorry if I am late pointing out at this but it’s indeed amazing to see Galaxy Note 10.1 latest Ad featuring Mt. Everest, Nepal. Being a fan and avid user of Apple products, I hardly keep track of Samsung or any other of its competing products but whatsoever that be; finding out something cool as this definitely deserves a share. And in case you hadn’t noticed this already; you would love it for sure!

Mt Everest Nepal Featured in Samsung Galaxy
Mt Everest Nepal – Image via Samsung’s Video Ad

Watch the video advertisement  of Galaxy Note 10.1 featuring Mt Everest Nepal in one of its notes.

“Mt Everest, Nepal – Conquering the world’s tallest peak – Nearly there!”

Think of the promotions Samsung puts it along with this video – From its advertisement using the video on web to several TV advertisements, it reaches million and million eyes. A global brand like Samsung has a huge influence on the audience and this should definitely help some more eyes to behold Everest and importantly create awareness on “Nepal”. Hopefully a percentage of that influenced audience notices Nepal along with Mt. Everest so that it’s easier next time for abroad staying people like us to relate it.

This is not the first time Samsung used Mt. Everest in its promo videos. Previously, Samsung in one of its Samsung Galaxy II promo video had also featured Mt. Everest. Watch the previous video that features Kenton Cool, one who has scaled Mount Everest for the ninth time using his Samsung phone on his Everest journey.

Internet and mobile reception news on Mt. Everest was flooded all over the web few years back when TeliaSonera increased its 3G coverage on Mount Everest.

Mt Everest Base Camp
Mt Everest Base Camp – File Photo by Nora de Angelli

Also watch this video of Kenton Cool using his Samsung phone from Everest to make a call!

“I just phoned my wife from top of the world!” Wow!!

Thank you Samsung for creating Everest notes in your advertisement!

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