Samriddhi Rai – bringing home the Best personality Award!

We rarely get to hear our beauty queens being awarded in International pageants. For most of them, participating in the pageant itself seems to be a big deal. Recently we saw some of our Nepali beauty queens participating in International pageants, i.e. Malina Joshi in Miss World 2011, Sarina Maskey in Miss International 2011 and Sahana Bajracharya in Miss Asia Pacific 2011.

But unfortunately all of them had to return empty handed – (no titles to their name) but well, with bit of experiences and exposure (that’s what they had to say). However, one beauty queen “Samriddhi Rai” was successful in bringing title of Best personality Award home from Miss Tourism Queen International 2011 held in China recently.

Samriddhi Rai Miss Personality Award at Miss tourism Queen 2011

Now, even if that doesn’t sound as a great achievement, it’s something good than nothing at all. At least in International beauty pageants scenario, this should be taken as outstanding achievement. Congratulations Samriddhi for bringing at least one title home!

The pageant which took place on 27th of December at Qujiang International Exhibition Center, Xi’an, China had hundred of participants representing different countries from all over the world. Samriddhi Rai represented Nepal for the coveted title which is also considered as the third grand slam beauty pageant of the world. Samriddhi was also awarded as the second runner up for the Miss Talent title and was given opportunity to perform at the grand finale. Here’s the Image Gallery of Samriddhi rai from the event.

Samriddhi Rai was selected for Miss Tourism Queen Nepal a year ago when she was recommended to the Group of Event Entertainers, the team that conducts Miss Tourism Queen Nepal by Bijoux, School of Fashion Modelling. The organizers of the world pageant had pos had postponed the event last year. The pageant finally took place this year in Xi’an, CHINA from 13 December to 29 December 2011.

Samriddhi Rai was second runner up in Miss Teen 2006. She had also participated in other beauty pageants – Miss World University and Miss Nepal 2010. A graduate in journalism and media, Samriddhi is also a former editor of Teenz Magazine and an editorial assistant of ECS magazine.

Congratulations Samriddhi! Hopefully, Nepali beauty queens go on improving further and keep the good news coming in.

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